Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just a quick roundup

Florida today
Will they ever finish this?
Hell must be like this

Frontrunner Romney
Will he beat the predictions?
High expectations

After Florida
We go to five caucus states
Mitt's favored in all

The happiest news?
The next GOP debate
Not for a whole month!

Monday, January 30, 2012

It's somebody else's fault

Newt's declining polls
In Florida make him mad
"They're attacking me"

Not an insider
He insists.  Establishment
Party is at fault

Who does Gingrich blame
Everybody but himself
Is Gingrich paranoid?

Palin claims party
using Stalinesque tactics
against Newt Gingrich

Will he disappear?
Perhaps he'll get a show trial
Then darkness at Newt.

Gingrich lashes out at Romney, Establishment

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Too cool not to mention

This isn't political, but I thought it was pretty darn awesome

Two kids build "spaceship"
Balloon and a parachute
LegoMan in space!

High School Students Send Canadian Legoman Into The Stratosphere

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Romney's credentials as a conservative

Mitt says he always
Votes for Republicans
Gingrich pooh poohs this

Voting for Tsongas
Back in 1992
Was it tactical?

"Factually incorrect?"
Does it make a difference?
Glass house resident.

Gingrich hits Romney for "factually incorrect" statements

Friday, January 27, 2012

Last GOP Florida debate

USA Today
Fact checks candidates
Florida debate

Newt really wanted
To mandate health insurance
Until quite recently

Mitt accused Barack
Of not denouncing Hamas
Attacks with rockets

Santorum used false
Massachusetts health care stats
To attack Romney

He also insisted
Islamic terrorists want
Cuban missile base

Clearly they choose "facts"
That they can bend to their will
Or else they're fibbers

Fact Check: Florida GOP debate

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Space program?

Newt wants space program
Run by private enterprise
Corporate sponsors?

Soon they'll start saying
"All systems are Apple go,"
"We have Fox liftoff"

Will private concerns
Pay for such massive research?
"To the moon, Alice!"

See Gingrich vows to establish a colony on the moon

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union

State of the Union
Obama: jobs, the future
A positive view

GOP response
Daniels:  Obama is bad
Repeat the old lies

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Romney's tax return

Romney paid 15
Point four percent in taxes
The rich get richer

Investment income
Gets taxed at much lower rates
Middle class gets stuck

Sunday, January 22, 2012

South Carolina fallout

Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul,
Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum
Are Florida bound

Were Cain votes Colbert's?
Political irony
Or just "truthiness"

Will these primaries
Result in a clear winner
Or a big floor fight?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Women and Santorum's campaign

Aide to Santorum:
"Girls cannot be President"
What a big surprise

Maybe he never
Graduated out of his
Element'ry school?


I was sitting at lunch, thinking randomly, as I often do, and I thought it might be fun to start posting political commentary in the form of haiku.  In all honesty, my haiku undoubtedly do violence to the proper Japanese form, but it's still a fun way to make a point.

I look forward to seeing your responses!
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