Friday, March 30, 2012

Mitt's IRA "problem"

Romney's IRA
one hundred million dollars
Taxed like salaries

This includes money
Which would be taxed much lower
If not in IRA

So he pays more tax
Because he used IRA
He should have just saved

People who struggle
To put food on the table
Might like this problem.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Click Clack Moo

Useful idiots
According to the right wing
Indoctrinate kids

Deep thinkers, they say Click Clack Moo
Is union propaganda
Sneaking into schools

Not only that, but they
Charge that the book is against

Why? Because the cows
Are portrayed as equals of
The human beings

I think these great minds
Talking about this on air
Need to get a life
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In America, they haven't spoken it for years

In Puerto Rico
Rick Santorum visited
For the primary

Spoke with reporters
About possible statehood
For Puerto Rico

Rick is all for it
But only if they adopt
English officially

He seems to believe
That the law forces each state
To speak just English

This is not the case
And besides, if that were true
What about Texas

Friday, March 9, 2012

Climate Change denial based on Genesis?

Senator Inhofe
A climate change denier
Based on Genesis?

He argues simply
Genesis eight, twenty-two
Guarantees climate

"While the earth remains
Seedtime, harvest, cold and heat,
Seasons, days and night"

Will not ever cease"
Inhofe thinks this guarantees
That climate won't change

He ignores context
In this passage of Scripture
The flood has ended

God is promising
Not to destroy the whole earth
Complete with rainbow

There is no promise
That we cannot screw it up
And change the seasons

Even Inhofe must
Recognize bad stuff happens
Even in Scripture

In one case, Jacob
And his entire family
Must go to Egypt

A drought in the land
Changes their local climate
The result?  Famine

Such cases abound
Even though God made an oath
After the rainbow
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Monday, March 5, 2012

Lesson in Contraception

According to Rush
If you use contraception
It's by the sex act

So in other words
Only a "slut" needs as much
as Sandra Fluke claimed

Apparently Rush
And his ilk have yet to learn
Just how The Pill works

Listen carefully
You must take The Pill each day
Even celibate

Perhaps he only
Knows about prophylactics
Or he's ignorant

How can people still
Still let an ignoramus
Influence their thoughts?

He has no children
He has been married four times
Total impotence?

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

The First Amendment

Congress shall make no law
Abridging freedom of speech
Or faith or the press

With an exception
Secret Service protection
Means no protesting

If this becomes law
If protesters don't realize
A bigwig is there

They can be punished
For peaceably assembling
Where the bigwig is

Are politicians
Really so frightened of us
The people they serve?

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